Our aim is for every student to do the best that they possibly can and to be the best version of themselves. In this way our students become independent, confident and equipped young adults with the knowledge and skillset to take on the next step in their journey of life.
Pastoral Support
The pastoral team at St Joseph’s has many years of experience. Students will stay with the same experienced tutor through year 12 and year 13. They also have a Head of Year and the Head of Sixth Form as part of their support team. Each morning your tutor will support you in your morning student notices, which includes: key information for that week; a tutor activity which can be a session on exam study skills, mental wellbeing, organisational skills, UCAS information, and much more; current affairs; scholarly reading and class debates on current, topical issues. Your tutor will also check in with you on a 1:1 basis at least once per half term. In addition, we also have a dedicated sixth form learning mentor. They are situated in the silent study room and work with students on organisation, revision, UCAS applications, CV’s and super-curriculum learning. Some students work with the learning mentor on a 1:1 basis and others in small groups. Any student with a SEND need is also supported by the school SENCO with provision put in place and all EAA needs met for all key tasks and assessments. Everyone is provided with every chance to succeed.
Academic Support
We have an excellent range of courses to suit different pathways making sure that you can find the subjects to get you where you want to be. Curriculum leaders will monitor your academic progress and put in place supportive intervention when required to ensure you are on a pathway to success. Subject teachers will converse weekly with heads of year to update on pupil progress. In this way, any issues are quickly rectified before they have time to become a problem. In the build up to internal and external examinations, the pastoral team may also put further support in place as needed.