Curriculum Intent St Josephs document link
Click above to view our curriculum intent.
At St Joseph’s we believe that education is about teaching children the knowledge, skills and values they will require to be effective life-long learners. Through our curriculum we embed our school principles of faith, learning and respect.
St Joseph’s Academy is founded in its mission to support each member of our community to live life to the full. Our vision is for students to leave St Joseph’s as resilient, confident and well-rounded individuals, with the knowledge to make informed future choices. This underpins the Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education trust vision of ‘‘Christ at the Centre”.
In addition to our focus on individual subject’s curriculum and developing cross-curricular skills, St Joseph’s Academy has an extensive extra-curricular offer to enhance wider personal development and promote positive attitudes to learning. We strive for our students to not only develop their talents in each of the individual subjects they study, but also to help their personal skills and character qualities flourish in order that our students may grow into positive, responsible young adults who can work and cooperate well with others.