
St Joseph’s Uniform Policy

 The school has used the DfE non-statutory guidance on school uniform and agrees with guidance given in the DfE booklet which states;

‘The school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. The Department strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can instil pride; support positive behaviour and discipline; encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos; ensure pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome; protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way; and nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils. The Department also encourages schools to have a very clear position about appearance such as hair colour, style and length and the wearing of jewellery and makeup.’

The school therefore accepts high standards of personal appearance and that all students should wear school uniform to and from school, during the school day or when participating in school-organised events.

School Uniform

Fashion statements with regards to students’ dress or appearance are unacceptable. If in doubt, parents and carers should contact the school before any decisions are made.

  • Jewellery is not allowed in the Academy and will be confiscated for collection at the end of the school day by the pupil: wrist watches are allowed, but not smart watches with access to messaging and internet services
  • Although the school supports the work of many charity organisations, charity bands will be classed as bracelets and therefore not allowed.
  • Haircuts which are extreme, or unnatural or hair dye are not permitted. No lines in eyebrows.
  • M​ake-up is not allowed for students in years 7- 11.

Below is a simple guide to our uniform requirements:​ 

  • Grey blazer branded with St Joseph’s Logo
  • House colour ribbons should be worn on left chest pocket of the blazer (these will be provided by the school as part of the transition process)
  • School Tie (blue and gold diagonal strip) fastened up to the neck properly and worn at a reasonable length
  • A plain white shirt which buttons to the neck and is tucked in at all times
  • Plain black formal school trousers
  • A plain black drop-waisted skirt with box style pleats. Our expectation is that skirts are worn at knee length.
  • Black opaque tights OR black /dark grey socks
  • Plain black formal school shoes. We would also recommend that parents get their child shoes that will cover their whole foot for the extreme weather if they are walking to school in snow/ slush-type conditions.
  • Outdoor coats should be dark in colour and fit for purpose
  • School bag: Every pupil should have a bag to carry books, school planner and equipment to and from school every day and pupils should be properly equipped for every lesson
  • Water bottle

The full uniform policy can be found on our Policies page.

The following items can be purchased from a wide variety of shops and supermarkets including Asda, Tesco, Marks and Spencer, amongst others. 

  • A plain white shirt
  • Plain black formal school trousers
  • A black drop-waisted skirt with box style pleats
  • Optional plain V neck black knitted jumper
  • Optional plain black belt
  • Plain black formal school shoes
  • Tracksuit bottoms with St Joseph’s logo or plain non-branded black jogging bottoms
  • Black leggings with St Joseph’s logo or plain non-branded black leggings
  • Quarter-Zip long sleeve top with St Joseph’s logo or plain non-branded royal blue quarter-zip long sleeve top