Year 6 Open Evening

Thursday 26th September (6:00pm – 8:00pm)


Y6 Transition

Summer Term 2024: Details to follow later in the year

The transition from primary to secondary school is a crucial stage in your child’s life and we want to reassure you that we are here to support your child. As far as possible we work collaboratively with our primary feeder schools on our Transition Programme so that together we can ensure your child finds the transition to secondary schools a positive and reassuring process.

The Transition Programme

During Key Stage 2 we work alongside our primary schools so that the transition of students from Year 6 to Year 7 is a positive and effective experience for students. Our Headteacher and senior staff meet on a half-termly basis with feeder primary Headteachers to jointly plan and develop a range of transition activities, we have introduced a Year 5 Events for our feeder primary schools so that students can begin to get to know St. Joseph’s and develop a connection to our school in advance of joining us in Year 7.

Opening Evenings and Visiting Days

St. Joseph’s holds an official Open Evening specifically for Year 6 parents, guardians and students.  At this evening, you would be welcomed and introduced to the school by our Headteacher Mr Crowe, and our Assistant Headteacher for Pastoral Care, Mrs Tubman

Mrs Tubman will explain our pastoral system and Mr Crowe our academic achievements. After this you will be taken on a tour of the school where departments will showcase lessons and explain aspects of subject course.  Current students from Years 7-13 will also be present, conducting experiments in science, demonstrating sporting skills in P.E. and singing and performing in music!  It is certainly an evening to remember!

First Days

On arriving at school for their first day, our Year 7 students are assembled in form groups in our Year 7 yard.  Here they are met by their form tutor and Head of House.  For the first two lessons of their first day, Year 7 are the only year group in school, with the remainder starting after break.  They will remain in form classes for lessons 1-3 and be issued with equipment and timetables.  This provides students with the opportunity to make friends within their form class, become acquainted with their form teacher and recognise what is expected of them at St. Joseph’s.

From here, students go to lunch in our refectory and have the opportunity to socialise with peers outside of their form class.  For the first week, Year 7 are released from lesson 3 early for lunch to allow them to adjust to the lunchtime routines and systems.  Next they will go to lessons 4 and 5, finishing the day at 3.00 pm.

In order to aid movement around the school, each teaching group is assigned two peer mentors.  These are pupils from Year 8 who will help each class to get to their next room.  These mentors will help the class for the remainder of the week.

Support and Activities

There are several support systems in school in addition to our excellent house system (see below).
Year 7 pupils are able to attend:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Lunchtime club
  • Active lunch
  • Homework club
  • Reading club
  • Drama club
  • Music club, including choir

Pupils are also able to take instrumental lessons at a subsidised price. Furthermore, each Year 7 form class nominates two representatives to be part of the school council.  This promotes pupil voice within the school which we believe is of key importance to our school community.

During the PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Emotional) lessons, pupils will cover a range of topics including persistence, work related learning, ICT safety and growing up.

Throughout the year, there are several extra-curricular trips and opportunities available.