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GCSE Results 2024
Attainment 8 score of 44.21
9.81% of all grades were at a grade 7 (or BTEC Distinction) and above
46.32% of all grades were at a grade 5 (or BTEC Merit) and above
41.26% of Students Achieving a Grade 5 or above in both Mathematics and English
69.51% of Students Achieving a Grade 4 or above in both Mathematics and English
66.37% of students Achieved 5 GCSEs at Grades 4-9 including Mathematics and English
GCE Results 2024
Average Grade of a C
18.39% of grades at a Grade A (or BTEC Distinction) and above
33.33% of grade at a Grade B (or BTEC Merit) and above
Destination | Number | % |
University | 63 | 73% |
Other Educational Setting | 4 | 5% |
Apprenticeship | 7 | 8% |
Gap Year | 3 | 3% |
Employment | 9 | 10% |
GCSE Results 2023
Attainment 8 score of 47.0
16.4% of all grades were at a grade 7 (or BTEC Distinction) and above
53.5% of all grades were at a grade 5 (or BTEC Merit) and above
39.15% of Students Achieving a Grade 5 or above in both Mathematics and English
65.6% of Students Achieving a Grade 4 or above in both Mathematics and English
63.7% of students Achieved 5 GCSEs at Grades 4-9 including Mathematics and English
GCE Results 2023
Average Grade of a C
22.4% of grades at a Grade A (or BTEC Distinction) and above
43.9% of grade at a Grade B (or BTEC Merit) and above
Destination | Number | % |
University | 45 | 55% |
College | 7 | 9% |
Apprenticeship | 9 | 11% |
Gap Year | 3 | 3% |
Employment | 18 | 22% |
GCSE Results 2022
- Attainment 8 score of 53.3
- 32% of all grades were at a grade 7 (or BTEC Distinction) and above
- 68% of all grades were at a grade 5 (or BTEC Merit) and above
- 50% of Students Achieving a Grade 5 or above in both Mathematics and English
- 74% of Students Achieving a Grade 4 or above in both Mathematics and English
- 73% of students Achieved 5 GCSEs at Grades 4-9 including Mathematics and English
GCE Results 2022
- Average Grade of a C+
- 27% of grades at a Grade A (or BTEC Distinction) and above
- 59% of grade at a Grade B (or BTEC Merit) and above
GCSE Results 2021
(Teacher Assessed Grades – TAGS)
- Attainment 8 score of 55.2
- 58% of Students Achieving a Grade 5 or above in both Mathematics and English
- 83% of Students Achieving a Grade 4 or above in both Mathematics and English
- 83% of students Achieved 5 GCSEs at Grades 4-9 including Mathematics and English
GCE Results 2021
- Average Grade of a B
- 54% of grades at a Grade A (or BTEC Distinction) and above
- 73% of grade at a Grade B (or BTEC Merit) and above
- 80% of our students have successfully gained places at university
GCSE Results 2020
(Centre Assessed Grades – CAGS)
- Attainment 8 score of 52.7
- 84% of grades at a Grade 4 (or BTEC Level 2 Pass) and above
- 63% of grades at Grade 5 (or BTEC Merit) and above
- 56% of Students Achieving a Grade 5 or above in both Mathematics and English
- 76% of Students Achieving a Grade 4 or above in both Mathematics and English
- 70% of students Achieved 5 GCSEs at Grades 4-9 including Mathematics and English
GCE Results 2020
- Average Grade of a B
- 40% of grades at a Grade A (or BTEC Distinction) and above
- 64% of grade at a Grade B (or BTEC Merit) and above
- 85% of our students have successfully gained places at university – an increase of 20% on the previous year.
GCSE Results 2019
- Overall attainment is up on 2018 with an Attainment 8 average of 48.25 points and 38.3% of the year group achieving the new grade 5 or better in English and Maths.
- The Progress 8 Score = -0.13
- 64% of pupils achieved a standard pass of 4 or better in English and Maths.
- 25% of pupils achieved the EBacc standard pass with 16.5% achieving a strong pass and an average point score of 4.14.
GCE Results 2019
Overall Academic APS = 31.7 (C) [2018 = 26.5 (C-)]
- Best 3 A level APS 32.8 (C+) [2018 = 30.2 (C)]
- 44% of all grades at the equivalent of grade B or better
- 18% of all grades at the equivalent of grade A or better
- 50.5% of our pupils achieved one or more grades at (A*-B) and 30% achieved two or more grades at (A*-B)
- 8.2% of students achieved A Levels at grades AAB or higher in at least 2 “facilitating subjects” and students achieving A Levels at grades AAB or higher in at least 3 “facilitating subjects” is at 8.2%
GCSE Results 2018
- Overall attainment is up on 2017 with an Attainment 8 average of 46.06 points and 37.9% of the year group achieving the new grade 5 or better in English and Maths.
- 65% of pupils achieved a standard pass of 4 or better in English and Maths.
- 16.4% of pupils achieved the EBacc standard pass with an average point score of 3.89.
- The Progress 8 Score was -0.32
GCE Results 2018
- Our sixth form provision is rated as ‘Very Good’ by the Alps performance measure
- ALPS score of 3
- 70% of our departments are rate as Good or better by the same measure
- 39.5% of grade were a grade B or better
- 61% of our pupils achieved one or more grades at (A*-B) and 35% achieved two or more grades at (A*-B)
- Almost 10% of students achieved a very impressive 3 grade A’s or better
- 7.5% of students achieved A Levels at grades AAB or higher in at least 2 “facilitating subjects” and students achieving A Levels at grades AAB or higher in at least 3 “facilitating subjects” is at 17%
DFE ‘Compare School Performance’ page for St Joseph’s