Careers Policy


Careers Policy 2023-2026

Provider Access Policy 2023



St Joseph’s Catholic Academy (“the Academy”) has a strategically planned Academy-wide provision in place for careers education, information, advice, and guidance (“CEIAG”) that is designed to inspire all students to make informed choices about their future aims and ambitions. The CEIAG programme consists of a mix of teacher-led activities, online resources and engagement with external employers and professionals. It has been developed following Gatsby Benchmark and Careers Development Institute guidelines.



The careers education at St Joseph’s Catholic Academy informs, promotes and supports every student’s best possible future to allow their light to shine.



The Academy’s careers education and guidance policy has the following aims:

  • to support self-development where students understand themselves and the influences on them;
  • to contribute towards raising achievement by increasing motivation through student goals and aspirations;
  • to provide opportunities for career exploration in learning and real-life context;
  • to provide information for the student to make informed choices and confidently adjust plans to manage change and transition;
  • to develop enterprise and employability skills.



Strategic objective 1 Strategic objective 2 Strategic objective 3

Providing a comprehensive overview of future pathways –  specifically informing students of university alternatives including traineeship and apprenticeship.


Working to raise aspirations and motivation of Pupil Premium students and boys to support the School Improvement Plan.


Reducing the gender and socio-economic imbalances in apprenticeship, trade and STEM destinations.


  • Assemblies
  • 1:1 guidance 
  • Subject advice
  • Group workshops
  • Provider talks/visits

  • 1:1 guidance
  • University visits
  • FutureMe projects
  • Visible promotion
  • Guest speakers

  • 1:1 guidance
  • Workshops
  • Subject advice
  • Visible promotion
  • Future Women Leaders’ 
  • STEM events
Measuring impact

Outcomes of 1:1 interviews

Destination data

Student voice

Workshop attendance

Measuring impact

Internal data (Key Task & Mock)

Progress8 & Attainment data

Student voice

Outcomes of 1:1 interviews

Destination data

Measuring impact

Outcomes of 1:1 interviews

Destination data

Student voice

Workshop attendance

Workshop/session evaluations


The Academy has a named Careers Leader who has the strategic and operational overview of the CEIAG programme and is supported by Academy staff in delivering the programme. The Careers Leader is Mr M Simpson, Associate Assistant Headteacher i/c of geography, and can be contacted using the details provided here: [email protected]    |    0191 428 2700


The Head of Sixth Form also takes operational responsibility for the CEIAG programme in Year 12 and 13. Mrs C Curry, Head of Sixth Form, can be contacted using the details provided here: [email protected]    |    0191 428 2700



CEIAG is delivered through the PSHE programme in Years 7 to 13 and with explicit links in subject areas. The triangulation of the careers module in PSHE and links to subject areas form a comprehensive overview of CEIAG across the Academy. Themes develop through Year Groups with appropriate focuses in relation to transition points. 


Opportunities to engage with employers are planned at strategic points during student progression through the Academy. These encounters build on their understanding of the local labour market, job roles and routes into future education and work. They build aspirations and support informed choices. Some of these events take place during the Academy’s enrichment week while the Academy also runs a rotation of employers who deliver sessions during assemblies and calendared events. All Year 11 and 13 students receive a 1:1 careers guidance interview from a Level 7 qualified independent and impartial careers adviser.



At the Academy, the CEIAG programme is taught as part of PSHE and across subject areas. In PSHE topics of study include finance awareness, work-related learning, enterprise, work experience preparation and employability skills. Key transition points are explored through PSHE including routes into further education, university and higher level apprenticeship courses and T-Levels. Subject areas explore career routes and employability skills such as presentations and making links to STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths).



The Academy takes care to ensure that students and parents/guardians are fully informed at all stages and key transitions. This includes providing advice for students and parents/guardians during Year 9 in the lead-up to option choices and Year 10 and 11 in the transition to post-16. This will take the form of individual sessions with a careers advisor, support from the pastoral team, assemblies, individual sessions with the SLT team and information from external providers.



All students in Year 10 and 12 carry out a week of work experience placement. Work experience aims to provide all students with an opportunity to: 

  • obtain a wider awareness of the world of work as part of their general education;
  • learn outside the classroom;
  • increase their economic understanding;
  • relate their studies to the world of work and training.


Where possible students arrange their own work experience. The process of contacting possible employers is a valuable tool for the development of skills and confidence. Students are supported in this process by their form tutors and pastoral staff.  The Academy uses an external provider to review the Health and Safety of all placements to confirm that the placement will provide a safe learning environment.



Home involvement and communication are encouraged at all stages of our CEIAG programme. Information supporting key elements of the programme such as work experience are available on the website, these include online resources and links. Parents/Guardians are kept up to date with career-related information through parents’ evenings, open evenings, the website, letters and termly newsletters.



The Academy complies with the Provider Access Legislation (PAL), also known as the “Baker Clause”. Our Provider Access Statment has been updated to reflect the January 2023 changes to the PAL and is available on the Academy website (link).



The Academy regularly reviews the careers policy each term, and at the policy review period, this is accomplished by evaluating:

  • the destinations of student leavers;
  • NEET (not in education, employment or training) figures;
  • feedback from student leavers surveys;
  • reports to governors about careers;
  • feedback on the careers programme from parents, students, employers and staff;
  • careers evaluation found within the Academy evaluation procedures and processes e.g. SEF and SIP.