DofE Costs

The cost of registration to DofE is paid via a non‐refundable deposit of;

Bronze ‐ £26

Silver ‐ £26

Gold ‐ £32

This pays for access to the online portfolio, eDofE.


The expedition section costs are as follows;

Bronze ‐ £190 per person

Silver ‐ £270 per person

Gold ‐ £310 per person


The expedition section cost consists of;

Bronze (Year 9) – 1 training day, a practice expedition day and a 2 day qualifying expedition including assessor. All specialist equipment (Tents, boots, rucksacks, stove etc.), transport, instruction, assessor reports, insurance and campsites are included in the package.

Silver (Year 10) ‐ 6 training sessions, a 3 day practice expedition and a 3 day qualifying expedition including assessor. All specialist equipment (Tents, boots, rucksacks, stove etc.), transport, instruction, insurance, assessor reports and campsites are included in the package.

Gold (Year 12) ‐ 4 training sessions, a 4 day practice expedition and a 4 day qualifying expedition including assessor. All specialist equipment (Tents, boots, rucksacks, stove etc.), transport, insurance, assessor reports, instruction and campsites are included in the package.